Worth a Thousand Words

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Wonderland in Tennessee

Well, I was snowed in for about 3 days, but I made the most of it. I did think to get some birdseed on my way home from Cookeville Friday. I decided if it was going to snow, I would bring the pictures to me.... and it worked. These beautiful birds showed up as planned. Even though the snow was pretty, I loved all the ice on the trees, so I took several pictures of that. Hope you enjoy!!!
Here is a pretty Red Bird. They covered the back yard. It was fun watching them.
He is all puffed up. I don't think he liked me hanging around so much.

Brandy and Ollie were having a great time in the snow. This picture cracks me up. Brandy is holding her head high and loving the snow!!

I have been informed this is a Tufted Titmouse bird. They are sooo cute and they love the dog food...
Here is a tree in the back yard. I think Putnam County, TN was covered in a sheet of ice.

I like this close up of the ice. I just really loved the way the ice was shine in the sunlight...but it made for not so great driving...

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of the tree covered in ice! So pretty!
